Period 5

Mind Map for Period 5 (APUSH)

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Period 5 by Mind Map: Period 5

1. Reconstruction

1.1. Lincoln's Policies

1.1.1. Wade-Davis Bill (1864)

1.1.2. Proclamation of Amnesty & Reconstruction

1.1.3. Freedmen's Bureau

1.2. African Americans

1.2.1. Black Codes

1.2.2. Civil Rights Act of 1866

1.2.3. 14th Amendment

1.2.4. 15th Amendment

1.2.5. Civil Rights Act of 1875

1.2.6. Sharecropping

1.3. Ku Klux Klan

1.4. Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

1.5. Composition of the Reconstruction Governments

1.5.1. "scalawags"

1.5.2. "carpetbaggers"

1.6. Panic of 1873

1.7. The Amnesty Act of 1872

1.8. The Compromise of 1877

2. The Civil War

2.1. Tent Affair

2.2. End of Slavery

2.2.1. Confiscation Acts

2.2.2. Emancipation Proclamation

2.2.3. 13th Amendment

2.3. Battles and Protests

2.3.1. Fort Sumter

2.3.2. Battle of Bull Run

2.3.3. Second Battle of Bull Run

2.3.4. Battle of Antietam "Bloodiest Day in America"

2.3.5. Battle of Vicksburg

2.3.6. Battle of Gettysburg

2.3.7. Sherman's March

2.4. End of Civil War

2.4.1. Surrender at Appomattox

2.4.2. Assassination of Lincoln

2.4.3. The Draft

2.5. Economic Programs

2.5.1. Morrill Tariff Act

2.5.2. Homestead Act

2.5.3. Morrill Land Grant Act

2.5.4. Pacific Railway Act

3. Presidents

3.1. Franklin Pierce

3.2. James K. Polk

3.3. Zachary Taylor

3.4. Abraham Lincoln

3.5. James Buchanan

3.6. Andrew Johnson

3.7. Rutherford B. Hayes

4. Territorial and Economic Expansion

4.1. Disputes and Annexations

4.1.1. Texas

4.1.2. Maine

4.1.3. Hawaii

4.2. War with Mexico

4.2.1. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

4.2.2. Wilmot Proviso

4.3. Manifest Destiny

4.3.1. Gadsden Purchase

4.4. Panic of 1857

5. Union in Peril

5.1. Free-Soil Movement

5.2. Popular Sovereignty

5.2.1. Proposed by Stephen A. Douglas

5.3. Compromise of 1850

5.3.1. Admit California as a free state

5.3.2. Divide the remainder of the Mexican Cession into two territories (Utah and New Mexico)

5.3.3. Texas's public debt of $10 million

5.3.4. Banned slave trade in District of Columbia

5.3.5. Fugitive Slave Law

5.4. Books on Slavery

5.4.1. Uncle Tom's Cabin

5.5. Kansas-Nebraska Act

5.5.1. "Bleeding Kansas"

5.5.2. 36'30' Line

5.5.3. Bully Brooks

5.6. Lecompton Constitution

5.7. Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)

5.7.1. Upheld that slaves were property

5.8. Revolts

5.8.1. John Brown's Raid

5.8.2. Harper's Ferry

5.9. Crittenden Compromise