Prokaryote and viruses

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Prokaryote and viruses by Mind Map: Prokaryote and viruses

1. Archeans

1.1. Surviving in extreme condition

1.2. Differ in - Cell wall (do not have peptidoglycan ) and membrane

1.3. Histone

1.4. Types

1.4.1. Methanogen ( in stomach co2 to ch4 )

1.4.2. Salt lovers ( High salt conc )

1.4.3. Heat lovers

2. Bacteria

2.1. Shape

2.1.1. Sphere

2.1.2. Rod

2.1.3. Spirale

2.2. Metabolic diversity of bacteria

2.2.1. Autotroph Photoautotroph Chemoautotroph

2.2.2. Heterotrophs Photoheterotroph Chemoheterotroph

2.3. Vertical and Horizontal gene transfer

2.4. Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria

2.5. Lichen

3. Viruses

3.1. Characteristics

3.1.1. Noncellular

3.1.2. Genetic material DNA or RNA

3.1.3. Replicate inside a living host cell

3.2. Viral multiplication

3.2.1. Attachment

3.2.2. Penetration

3.2.3. Replication

3.2.4. Assembly then release

3.3. Viral infections

3.3.1. Lytic pathway

3.3.2. Lysogenic pathway

3.4. Diseases

3.4.1. Emerging

3.4.2. Endemic

3.4.3. Epidemic

3.4.4. Pandemic