Erosional and Depositional landforms

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Erosional and Depositional landforms by Mind Map: Erosional and Depositional landforms

1. Spits are long narrow ridges of sand

2. Less resistant rocks which curve inwards are Bays

3. Headlands formed from more resisting rocks

4. Longshore currents deposit materials on the coast

5. Accumulation of materials over time form beaches

6. Deposition is when materials are deposited on the coast

7. Beaches formed when sediments deposit along the coast

8. Tombolos are extensions of the coastline

9. Cuts the rock and forms a cave

10. Cliffs formed when rocky coasts get repeatedly washed by waves

11. Removal of materials from the coasts by high energy waves

12. Erosion

13. Shore platforms formed when waves erode the cliffs