Management from the Islamic Perspective

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Management from the Islamic Perspective by Mind Map: Management from the Islamic Perspective

1. The Principles of Islamic Management

1.1. Well-invested time

1.2. Uphold the Islamic ethical values

1.3. No bias

1.4. Employees are paid fairly and squarely

2. The Islamic Approach to Management

2.1. Emerging discipline

2.2. From the perspective of the knowledge from revealed sources and other Islamic sources of knowledge

3. Sources of Knowledge for Deriving Ideas Regarding Islamic Perspectives to Strategic Management

3.1. The Holy Quran

3.2. Hadith

3.3. Fiqh

4. Nature of Organizational Objectives

4.1. Islamic management

4.1.1. Both economic and non-economic

4.1.2. Subservient to larger purpose of human existence

4.2. Conventional management

4.2.1. Both economic and non-economic

4.2.2. Subservient to organizational interests

5. Organizational Responsibility and Accountability

5.1. Islamic management

5.1.1. Everyone is responsible and accountable for their actions as human being has choice, free will and freedom of action

5.2. Conventional management

5.2.1. Vested in chief executive who delegates it

6. Leadership

6.1. Definition: The process of moving people into planned direction by motivating them

6.2. The characteristics of an Islamic leader

6.2.1. Allegiance to faithful

6.2.2. Global perceives goals, not individual

6.2.3. Adheres to the Syariah

6.2.4. Delegates trust

7. Principles Followed by Islamic Leader

7.1. Syura

7.2. Justice

7.3. Freedom of expression

7.4. Masrui'ah

7.5. Qualification

7.6. Reward

8. Organizational Control

8.1. Islamic management

8.1.1. designed to make human being subservient to the will of Allah

8.2. Conventional management

8.2.1. designed to align human objectives with the organizational objectives

9. Locus of Control

9.1. Definition: The extent to which individuals believe they can control events affecting them

9.1.1. Internal: Believe that they can influence events and their outcomes

9.1.2. External: Blame outside forces for everything

9.2. Islamic management

9.2.1. Internal

9.2.2. One is responsible and accountable for their actions

9.3. Conventional management

9.3.1. External

9.3.2. Lies in the realm of the organization