open learning Moodle 3.8

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open learning Moodle 3.8 by Mind Map: open learning Moodle 3.8

1. How often would you visit the website?

1.1. Would you bookmark this page?

2. Basic Open Learning Questions

2.1. What do understand by open learning?

2.2. What would encourage you to return to the platform?

2.3. What are your expectations from the platform?

2.3.1. Add choices here

2.3.2. What attributes would like to see in the open learning platform?

2.4. What educational resources were you interested in when you visited the website?

2.4.1. Add choices here

2.5. What are the main subjects that you are looking at when browsing into an open learning website?

2.5.1. Add choices here

3. Demographic

4. What was your main reason for visiting the site?

5. aim for simplicity

6. 3. Tracking with Matomo

7. Discovery/ core Questions: (popup survey) core open learning question

8. Step 1: User has not used our open learning platform yet, we would like to know their thoughts, expectations (features?) and needs and discover any gaps between their expectations vs. what they saw.

9. Step 2: When the user has navigated through the website, we would like to know their experience through a survey questionnaire.

9.1. step 3 : when the user has landed on a specific page. after consuming the content/ finishing a course. S/he will have another questionnaire for that specific product.

10. 1. Pre-questionnaire- send the questionnaire link to users.

11. 2. Post test questionnaire - browse the website and answer interaction based questions...(here's a link to open the site)

12. 3 - General questions (not mandatory)

12.1. Choose the answer that best represents who you are: federal public servant, provincial, municipal or territorial public servant, higher ed professor, student or administrator, k-12 student, teacher or administrator, Canadian citizen, other (specify in a text box).

12.2. How did you find out about us?

12.3. How likely are you to recommend this site to a friend?

12.4. What type of activities would you like to participate in on an open learning platform? (i.e. discussions, live sessions, Q&As)

12.5. Demo

12.5.1. did you find what you were looking for?

12.5.2. what region do you live in?

13. 2 - System and Interface (Based on DeLone & McLean IT success methodology)

13.1. I.Q

14. Content Words were meaningful and clear 1 2 3 4 5 n/a Content (text, images, etc.) was easy to understand 1 2 3 4 5 n/a The text was useful 1 2 3 4 5 n/a The text was relevant.

15. Structure and information architecture I quickly understood the structure/flow of the web site through home page The structure of the web site was clear For me, it was easy to find the information that I was looking for on the website The web site helped me to find what I was looking for I got what I was expecting by clicking on the elements of the website

16. Cognitive effort Using this website was effortless Using this website was not tiring I learned easily to use this website

17. Layout consistency The layout of the web pages were consistent throughout the website I noticed sudden changes in the web page layout in the website The page layout of each section of the website was consistent

18. Visual guidance Colours helped me to identify the different sections of the website Highlighted area of web pages helped me to find the information that I was looking for I learned the content of the web page by scanning the highlighted zone