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1. Luxation or Dislocation

1.1. To movable joints, the bone pops out of its socket, so it becomes separated from where it is supposed to be

1.1.1. Anterior dislocation: It is more common, the bone pops forward.

1.1.2. Posterior dislocation: The bone pops back.

2. Sprain and Strain

2.1. Sprain

2.1.1. Happens when a ligament is stretched too much that it breaks.

2.2. Strain

2.2.1. Happens when a muscle or tendon is stretched too much that it breaks.

3. Herniated or Slipped Disc

3.1. One of the discs in the spinal cord gets displaced and it starts pressing against the nerves causing a lot of pain and dissconfort. It is very common and it can be treated easily.

4. Arthritis

4.1. Osteoarthritis

4.1.1. Common in older people, caused by the thining of the cartilage, makes the bone ends rub together and causes disconfort and pain. Obesity or diabetes can make it worst.

4.2. Rheumatoid Arthritis

4.2.1. Affects same joint on both sides of the body, it is expected to be caused by an autoimmune response against the synovial membrane. It causes an inflame in this membrane and leads to bone erosion

5. Healthy Habits

5.1. Sit with both buttocks equally supported and touching the back of the chair

5.2. Bend your legs to lift objects

5.3. Maintain good posture at your computer

5.4. Sleep with a firm mattress

6. Bone Fracture

6.1. It is very common, the body is able to fix the bone itself, but you have to make sure that it doesn't move, thats why the doctors put plaster on it.

6.1.1. Transverse (Across the bone)

6.1.2. Linear (Up and down)

6.1.3. Oblique, nondisplaced (The different pieces don't move)

6.1.4. Oblique, displaced (The different pieces separate)

6.1.5. Spiral

6.1.6. Greenstick

6.1.7. Comminuted

7. Infantile Rickets

7.1. Because of a lack of vitamin D, this lack could be caused by three main reasons, if you aren't getting enough sunlight, if your diet is poor in vitamin D, and if your small intestines don't absorb vitamin D very well.

7.1.1. Bowleggedness (When the knees bend outwards)

7.1.2. Knock knees (When the knees bend inwards)

8. Osteoporosis

8.1. Disease of the skeletal system that causes holes in the bones, it makes them more fragile, so the smallest falls can cause fractures. More often seen with elderly people.