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Threat Prevention Methods создатель Mind Map: Threat Prevention Methods

1. Encryption is an important and useful threat prevention method. Encryption basically scrambles the data being sent over a network. This enables the data to be useless and meaningless to anyone who may intercept this data. There is usually a key or a password to decrypt the data so other users can access it. There are two methods used to encrypt data ; transposition (where the letters in plain text are switched around in the word. An example of this is the word "apple" might become "elppa") and substitution (where each letter you encrypt is substituted by another letter or number. So if each letter in the alphabet is replaced with the letter after it "apple" becomes "zqqjd".

2. A method of substitution we can use is called a Caesar Cipher. Basically it's the key for the encryption in the form of a wheel. There are two wheel with the letters of the alphabet on each of them. The original letter is on the inside wheel that does not move and the substituted letter is on an outside wheel that does move, so it can move to match the key. If the key was that every letter was replaced with the one before it, on the wheel the outside would be turned until the letter "z" matched with the letter "a" on the inside wheel

3. Caesar Cipher is a symmetric encryption method. This means that a secret key has been agreed on, ahead of time, in private. But what if you can't agree the key ahead of time in private? Then we use what is called asymmetric encryption. A public key is available to everybody but a private key is only available to specific computers with the code. An easier way to think about it is like a mailbox. Everybody has a deposit key, so anybody can put mail in the box. Only you have the private key to unlock the box and get the mail.

4. The most common method to verify someones identity is with a password. It's a combination of letters, characters and numbers, made by the user to log into a website to access data. It is useful because only that person knows the password. A PIN is also accepted and works the same way, but specifically with numbers

5. It is also very easy for hackers to guess a password. There are many different softwares that can crack passwords. People risk their data safety by using the same passwords on different websites, writing down the passwords where they can be easily accessed

6. Another method used to prevent unauthorised access to data is biometric scanning. Biometric security uses the unique pieces of a person body that can identify them, such as irises, facial recognition, fingerprints or earlobes. These parts of the body are unique to every person, and therefore are a reliable security method. Voice recognition is also used in biometric recognition, but a voice can be recorded and played back, so it is not as reliable as the others

7. Authentication is a process that proves your identity. In a network that often means inputting a username and password but there are other options. There are three main groupings ; verification by something you are (username, bank account number, anything that is unique), something you know (passwords, PINS, answers to questions relating to you) and something you have (swipe card, biometrics). An added layer of security with authentication is something called two-factor authentication. This sends a message to another device of your choice and asks it to approve your sign in. That way, if someone is trying to access your account, you can deny them access through your phone or other personal device.

8. It's important to keep networks safe from hacks and viruses. If your network is hacked, sensitive information , such as company plans and personal information, can be stolen. This can damage a companys stock, reputation and business but it can be even worse if personal information is stolen. It can be dangerous for someone, as addresses and contact details are valuable to hackers. Bank details are also very valuable to hackers. Ever year, people lose thousands due to hacks and improper network security.