Benefits and Challenges of Using Input/Output Devices

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Benefits and Challenges of Using Input/Output Devices by Mind Map: Benefits and Challenges of Using Input/Output Devices

1. Input devices

2. Microphone

3. Students are able to communicate with each other using this tool.

4. Mouse

5. Ease of navigating around computer. Disadvantages will be too many wires, but could be fixed with a wireless mouse.

6. Keyboard

7. Advantages are similar to the mouse where it can be wireless or a disadvantage of being wired causing less manipulation of moving it around

8. Output devices

9. Printer

10. Has the ability to be wired or wireless, allowing the teacher and students to print images or documents. Disadvantages could be the cost of ink for an entire class.

11. Monitor

12. Advantages would be to see the content displayed, disadvantages would be the amount of monitors in the class as shown in this picture.

13. Projector

14. Students are able to see movies in class, and the space needed is temporary.