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Frankenstein by Mind Map: Frankenstein

1. Themes

1.1. The Monstrous

1.1.1. The creature is a real monster in terms of aesthetics. Inwardly only later proves to be a monster. We can also consider Frankenstain a monster because of his immoral behavior.

1.2. Man and Nature

1.2.1. Victor with his creation goes against nature

1.3. The Doppelganger

1.3.1. The creature is the doppelganger of Victor.

1.4. Science & ambition

1.4.1. Victor wanted to go beyond the limits of nature,thanks to science and its ambition.

1.5. Alienation & Isolation

1.5.1. The monster has the capacity to be a profoundly gentle and loving being, but he can only withstand his loneliness for so long.

1.6. Good & Evil

1.6.1. Frankenstein’s creature is also demonstrated to be capable of both benignity and malignance

1.7. Birth & Death

1.7.1. Victor from life to a body composed of dead parts.

1.8. Parents & Children

1.8.1. The parent-child relationships between Victor and the Creature.

2. Readings & Interpretations

2.1. Feminism

2.1.1. When Victor Frankenstein dares to subvert the laws of nature, using science alone to harness the powers of life, he essentially violates the laws of maternity. He omits the mother entirely.

2.2. Psycho-analysis

3. Context

3.1. Galvanism

3.1.1. Victor Frankenstein applies electrical currents to dead tissue and reanimates not just a cadaver, but a being made of several cadavers

3.2. Romanticism

3.2.1. Shelley incorporates vivid imagery of nature. Throughout the novel, Shelley describes the awesomeness of nature.

3.3. The Gothic tradition

3.3.1. The two elements that animate this genre within the text the most are isolation of characters and the dark, gloomy settings where they are isolated.

3.4. William Godwin

3.5. Mary Wollstonecraft

3.6. Mary Shelley's biography

4. Language

4.1. Archetypes

4.1.1. The Mad Scientist

5. Characters & Relationships

5.1. Walton

5.2. Victor

5.3. The creature

5.4. The DeLacey family

5.5. The Frankenstein family

6. Settings

6.1. Geneva

6.2. The Arctic