Examine the claim that family always suffers when women go to work in SIngapore.

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Examine the claim that family always suffers when women go to work in SIngapore. by Mind Map: Examine the claim that family always suffers when women go to work in SIngapore.

1. Everyone's inputs are everywhere...sorry

1.1. Orange

1.1.1. Judith

1.2. Purple

1.2.1. Jiing Wei

1.3. Black

1.3.1. Dominic

1.4. Green

1.4.1. Bryan

1.5. Blue

1.5.1. Lucas

2. Bryan: Research has shown that in a 93% of typical families, the father of the family will definitely go out to earn income for the family. It is recognized that the proportion of women who are going out to work is increasing. It is also wrong to claim that the women should be the main caregiver to the family as the assumption will be subjected to a certain degree of sexism. However, with the women of the family going to work, the fact that one person less is able to take care of the children in the family cannot be denied, making the family suffer.

2.1. are you thus making the assumption here that women are the "proper family care giver"? - have you considered the possibility of a stay-home father and a working mother? - what role does a working father play then? how is one working parent different from the other?

2.1.1. Judith: Generally, the mother covers the biological aspect of having/rearing a child

2.1.2. Judith: Often, studies have shown that it is the father who passes on values and beliefs to the child, inculcating moral values and shaping the child's character If has been observed that out of all families which lacks a father, quite a number of the children from these families turn out to be criminals have character problems

3. Reasons why women will not want or have no capability to go to work

3.1. Some families might have more children and might prefer to stay at home to educate them and monitor their growth

3.1.1. To ensure that their child's growth is monitored and does not gets influenced by bad influence by other children in school

3.2. Women of the x generation may have received very little education, and some of the parents may only receive education of up to secondary schools and diplomas

3.2.1. The low education may not be enough to allow them to get a decent paying job, or with much benefits. This created little motivation of the women in the family to go to work.

4. Reasons for women to go to work

4.1. Gender equality, and increasing sense of self worth that they can be equivalent to men and even be more capabe of earning money

4.2. Help to contribute to family income especially important as cost of living, housing prices and tuition fees are skyrocketing.

4.3. Do not like the fact about being idle at home and doing nothing

4.4. Judith: Educated women going to work has become a norm in modern society

4.5. Jiing Wei: To not let their education go to waste

4.6. Working may be less taxing and rewardable compared to raising children

4.6.1. Increases the economic independence of the mother and hence, giving them more say in the family. In the case of a divorce, the mother would still be able to provide for the child.

4.7. Might be planning to stay single, needs to be the breadwinner, instead of depending on husband.

4.7.1. They would need to save money for themselves as they are already prepared that there might be no one to take care of them when they are old

5. SUPPORTING VIEW: How a family suffers when a women goes to work

5.1. In the future, the child might grow up to be very introverted and might feel like no one cares about him, as his parents are not there to take care of him

5.1.1. This might lead to society problems if most teenagers feel lack of care from their families. Lucas: They may tend to join gangs as the gangs give them a false sense of care and brotherhood, causing them to engage in illegal activities which would ruin their future. Link this back to how the family will suffer from teenagers causing social problems Judith : prejudices and stereotyping from the society The child could be sent to boy's/girl's home hence causing the family to be seperated and has less time together Judith: how peers and relatives look at the entire family

5.1.2. Should the responsibility be placed solely on the working mother? Judith: Higher chance of character problems in children if both father and mother are always at work and spends little time with them Judith:Father is the main breadwinner of the family, and holds a greater responsibility to provide financially for the family The mother has a special bond with the child because the child has lived in her womb for 9 months before birth. The mother acts like an emotional shelter for the child in difficult times Bryan: Research has also shown that women are more capable of expressing their care and love in a manner that the child is able to appreciate it. Also a mother will tend to have better communication with her child than a father Bryan: The responsible of taking care of the family is not based on the mother, but it cannot be denied that the mother plays a very important role in nurturing the child due to her feminine and more caring nature.

5.2. Judith: The women spends relatively less time with her children as compared to mothers who are not working

5.2.1. Judith: The child may be less bonded with their mother. This is because the mother has been working and hence spending less time with their child throughout the child's growing years This could lead women being less willing to have a child and become a mother as they put their focus on their career With family quality time limited to the weekends, family ties would be strained, possibly leading to more frequent arguments. Elaborate further - how will the family suffer as a whole then? Judith: The child being less bonded to the family may be led astray by bad companies, which can be peers, friends etc. Judith: Increased chance of misunderstandings between family members Bryan: Each individual will lose his sense of belonging to the family due to the endless quarrels and unhappiness. This will affect the activities and emotional states of each member and destroy sense of love i the family

5.2.2. Hiring of nannies, care-takers or maids (DOMESTiC HELPERS) to look after the children Judith: Some maids are less able in looking after babies or very young children. They may get irritated by the annoying children and this may lead to child abuse cases. Judith: Case Study

6. OPPOSING VIEW: Balanced worklife and family life Judith

6.1. 5-day work week promoted by governments. E.g. Singapore

6.1.1. Allow both parents to spend quality time with their children

6.2. Part-time jobs

6.2.1. Shorter working hours Less taxing for mothers, especially when they still have to look after their children

6.3. Certain jobs do not require employees to work in the office

6.3.1. Mothers can work at home, while looking after their children

6.4. Child-care centres in office

6.4.1. Allow parents to work at ease and yet exhibits the parents' appreciation of the child. How is this applicable specifically to working women? If both parents are working and there's no one to look after the children at home, working mothers can bring their children to work with them s and leave them in the care of the care givers while they are working. Additional bonding time during lunch hour by spending their meagre one hour with the children for a simple meal

6.5. Extended family members

6.5.1. Extended family members could help to take care of the children while their parents are at work. As extended family members are related to the children, they would take good care of them and try to instill morale values in them. This relieves the mother's burden and allow the child to grow up in a healthy environment e.g. An income tax relief of $3000 (grandparent caregiver relief) was given if a grandparent was helping the couple to take care of their child

6.6. Maximum 12 working hours a day

6.6.1. Case study: Singappore Ministry of Manpower An employee is not allowed to work for more than 12 hours within a day except in the following circumstances: a.Accident or threat of accident; b.Work that is essential to: i.the life of the community; ii.national defence; or iii.security; c.Urgent work to be done to machinery or plant; or d.An interruption of work which was impossible to foresee. Too general as this applies to both men and women. Make your example more relevant by bringing it back to the question that looks at working women specifically.

6.7. Child care leave

6.7.1. six days of childcare leave per year

6.8. Maternity Leave

6.8.1. An eligible employee is entitled to absent herself from work four weeks immediately before and 12 weeks immediately after delivery, totalling 16 weeks.

7. Conclusion:

7.1. Judith:Though some may argue that the quality time spent with the children will be sacrificed due to the hectic work schedule of working mothers, we must also acknowlege that the government has implemented measures to counter this. For example, the 5-day-work week policy and maximum working hours to be at 12 per day. On a personal level, mothers may choose part-time jobs or jobs whereby the company provides child-care services so as to relieve their burden of looking after their children while working.

7.2. Judith: It is not certain that the family will suffer when the women go to work. If the women is able to cope well with both work and family life, being in the workforce is no harm. It will not only provide the family with an additional income, it will also lighten the financial burden on the men who is the breadwinner of the family, hence enabling the family to be financially-stable, and the family will be able to enjoy a higher standard of living. If the women stays in the workforce, she will also be able to constantly keep in touch with the world affairs, and remain relevant and updated in the working world.

8. General feedback - Grammatical and spelling errors need to be corrected - Label each argument with the name of the member who worked on it - Some arguments are problematic as they carry inherent assumptions , e.g. all husbands and fathers are working, that women are the main caregivers - Further elaboration / evidence required for some points

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