Managing natural hazards (chapter 6)

natural hazards

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Managing natural hazards (chapter 6) by Mind Map: Managing natural hazards (chapter 6)

1. what is a natural hazard?

1.1. a natural, physical event powerful enough to cause death and severe damage in the environment and infrastructure. the natural event must put a risk to considere it hazard.

1.1.1. natural disaster is the damage it cause to a community.

2. clasification of natural hazards

2.1. cause

2.1.1. clymatic

2.1.2. geological

2.2. magnitude

2.3. speed

2.4. duration

2.5. frequency

3. events and particular impacts

3.1. earthquakes

3.1.1. when the ground shakes. the focus is where the earthquakes begin, right above is the epicentre. landslides, tsunamis, fires from ruptures of gas pipes, traumas, destruvtion of farmland, etc.

3.2. volcanic eruptions

3.2.1. when magma erupts trough a big hole in the ground. it can be a shield or composite volcano. ash, lahars, pyroclastic flows,trauma, breath diseases, loss of wildlife habitats, etc.

3.3. cyclones

3.3.1. large areas of very low pressure with wind speeds of over 119km h-1. flooding, heavy rain, disruption of electricity, economic loss, water-borne diseases, loss of wildlife habitats, etc.

3.4. floods

3.4.1. when the discharge of a river exceeds the capacity of its channel. migration, contamination of water supplies, loss of crops and farms, recharge of groundwater stores,etc.

3.5. droughts

3.5.1. when there is lack or less rain than normal over a long period of time water sources dry, poor nutrition and dehydratation, soil erosion, wildfires and poor air quality, etc.

4. general impacts

4.1. fatalities, injuries, loss of livehoods and destruction of property and infrastructure

5. strategies to manage them

5.1. prediction

5.1.1. with new technology and specific instruments specialists can predict the magnitude, speed and frequency of the hazard and create maps.

5.2. prevention

5.2.1. in most cases prevention is almost impossible but, for examploe, droughts can be prevented by strong irrigation systems.

5.3. protection

5.3.1. governments prepare the community as much as they can, reforcing infrastructure, educatig people, soreading security messages and giving refugee if it's necessary.