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How To Do NewsMastering создатель Mind Map: How To Do NewsMastering

1. 5) Pick and select the very best

1.1. Identify relevant news

1.2. editing

1.3. tagging

1.4. sorting

1.5. juxtaposing

2. 7) Maintain and expand continuously sources and filters

2.1. keep sources up-to-date

2.2. periodically update the sources

2.3. persistent searches

3. 6) Publish your NewsRadar

3.1. javascript

3.1.1. How To embed any RSS feed in your web pages

3.2. PHP includes

3.2.1. How To Convert RSS Feeds into Published Web Pages

3.3. widgets

4. 2) Create RSS Feeds

4.1. How to Create an RSS Feed from Any Web Page

5. 1) Identify your set of relevant news sources

5.1. Possible sources

5.1.1. Web

5.1.2. News

5.1.3. Blogs

5.1.4. Social

5.1.5. Forums

5.1.6. Directories

5.2. Individual RSS feeds

5.3. Persistent searches

6. 4) Aggregate all RSS Feeds

6.1. Possible tools

6.1.1. Google Reader

6.1.2. Blogbridge

6.1.3. MySyndicaat

6.1.4. Yahoo Pipes

7. 3) Filter

7.1. Set up filters

7.2. Check feeds and credentials

7.3. check feed integrity