What Do You Do With Your Big Goals When the World Is Falling Apart?
by Danny Forest

1. Forget about crushing your goal — just touch your goal every day
1.1. If you hit pause during times of uncertainty, you run the risk of either:
1.1.1. never returning to the goal again
1.1.2. losing so much momentum that when you come back to the goal, you have to start from scratch.
1.2. Maintain a baseline habit of doing at least a little bit of work toward your goal
1.3. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the progress you make.
1.4. And when the time is right to fully reimmerse yourself in your goal, it will be so much easier to do so
2. Reframe your goal
2.1. Ask yourself:
2.1.1. Is there a way my goal intersects with what’s going on in the world right now that I haven’t thought of yet?
2.1.2. And if so, how can I reframe my goal so it makes sense right now?