The 5 Kingdoms

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The 5 Kingdoms by Mind Map: The 5 Kingdoms

1. Protoctista

2. Prokaryotes

2.1. Bacteria

2.2. Viruses

3. Animals

3.1. Vertebrates

3.1.1. Fish

3.1.2. Amphibians

3.1.3. Mammals

3.1.4. Reptiles

3.1.5. Birds

3.2. Invertebrates

3.2.1. Nematodes

3.2.2. Molluscs

3.2.3. Annelids

3.2.4. Arthropods Crustacean Insect Arachnid Myriapod

3.2.5. Porifera

3.2.6. Cnidaria

4. Plants

4.1. Bryophyta

4.2. Algae

4.3. Coniferophyta

4.4. Angiospermophyta

4.4.1. Monocotyledon

4.4.2. Dicotyledon

4.5. Filicinophyta

5. Fungi