Environment Pollution

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Environment Pollution por Mind Map: Environment Pollution

1. Existing Policy

1.1. National

1.1.1. National Action Plan on Climate Change

1.1.2. Environment Protection Act 1986

1.1.3. National Environment Policy, 2006

1.1.4. National Air Quality Monitoring Programme (NAMP)

1.1.5. National Green Tribunal

1.2. International

1.2.1. The Montreal Protocol

1.2.2. Stockholm Convention

1.2.3. Basel Convention

1.2.4. Paris Agreement

1.2.5. UNFCCC

2. Introduction

2.1. India is not out of this problem, perhaps we are one of the most hardly affected with it.

2.2. Environmental pollution is a global concern induced mainly due to the contamination and deterioration of the environemtn

2.3. Twenty-one of the world's 30 cities with the worst air pollution are in India, according to data compiled in IQAir AirVisual's 2019 World Air Quality Report, with six in the top ten.

3. Way Forward

3.1. Reforms in the Environment Protection Act

3.2. Effective Policy Implementation

3.3. Technology Transfer between countries. E.g ATL / ISA

3.4. Adaptation and Mitigation Approach

3.5. SDG - Review and Achievements

3.6. Public Awareness and Participation

3.7. Collaborated approach at International Level without political Interests

4. Cause

4.1. Natural

4.1.1. Volcanic Erruption

4.1.2. Mineral contamination

4.2. Anthropogenic

4.2.1. GHG Emissions

4.2.2. Deforestration

4.2.3. Population rise

4.2.4. Fossil Fuels

4.2.5. Poor Agri practices

4.2.6. Over use of Fertilizers

4.2.7. Increasing number of vehicle

4.2.8. Poor Urban Planning

4.2.9. Population Density

4.2.10. Illegal Trash Dumping Chemical Water disposing

5. Challenges

5.1. Sustainable Development

5.2. Political will

5.3. Funding

5.4. Lack of conscience at International Level

5.5. Developing country vs Developed contry

5.6. Global Pandemic pushes back the steps taken

5.7. Lack of innovative approach

6. Impact

6.1. Health

6.1.1. Child Mortality

6.1.2. Respiratory Disease

6.1.3. Genetic disorders

6.1.4. Cancer

6.2. Climate

6.2.1. Global Warming

6.2.2. Climate change

6.3. Biodiversity

6.3.1. Loss of Flaura and Fauna

6.3.2. Habitat Loss

6.3.3. Migration of species

6.3.4. Forest Fires