Summer fashion colors 2012

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Summer fashion colors 2012 by Mind Map: Summer fashion colors 2012

1. Women

1.1. Spring Colors

1.1.1. The clearest and palest of pastels, ideal for lofty and silky fabrics and for a new vintage mood that is more sexy than candid.

1.1.2. Floral tones, essential nuances for charming prints available now for ranges of limited volume.

1.2. Summer Color Trends

1.2.1. House of Style: Slate gray and mauve shades of dwelling and edifice coalesce with an astute graciousness while accentuating tailored lines. Muted blue and icy green hues of virtuosity and allure connote an element of seriousness on a backdrop of woolen suiting.

1.2.2. Print Works: Dramatic blue and deep brown tones of eloquence and fluent persuasion reveal intricate weaves of fine spun silk.Vivid tones of turquoise mingle with bright tints to convey harmonious simultaniety.

1.2.3. Arctic Expression: Pale orange and deep reddish- brown tones of unadulterated and ethereal intensify wisps of silken charmeuse. Chocolate brown and maroon hues of bitter chill and glacial ingenuity imply notions of warmth on a canvas of mohair and wool.

1.2.4. Retro Future: Deep plum and sky blue tones of purely nostalgic and undeniably evocative give precedence to delicatelayers and gracious silhouettes. Metallic accents resonate with brilliance on a backdrop of silken elements

1.3. Makeup Trends

1.3.1. Lips and eyes The motto is "be shining": Metallic colors make shiny eyes To show one`s colors you can choose powerful colors like red, orange, pink, coral Nude is an essential color in spring and as well as in summer

1.3.2. Eyebrows Clear cut is the motto of the eyebrows this season Masculine and strong color Colored a shade lighter than the natural color is

1.4. Shoes

1.4.1. High heels in every version and in loud colors like pink, turquoise

1.4.2. Ballerinas are popular footwear. You can wear them for elegant reason as well as for comfortable reason

2. Men

2.1. Color Trends

2.1.1. Classic Luxe: Smoky grey and silver shades of ostentatious and opulent give subtle detail a polished appeal. Tan and brown tones indicate elegance within layers of fine heather mixed wool.

2.1.2. Cool Contrast: Steel blue and icy grey tones of conceivable differences and irrevocable gestures resonate on sleek wool. Shades of turquoise and black intermingle brilliantly on a canvas of pique cotton.

2.1.3. Big Chill:Brick and muted mustard tones prudently accentuate cotton twill. Khaki shades and charcoal tints add perfect finish to the twists of mohair.

2.1.4. Street Wise: Grey and faded olive tones give flashy accents to subdued lines and multifaceted textures. Blue and camel combinations of urban shapes and cross mode exude ultra fashionable flair.

2.2. Fashion

2.2.1. The latest thing is the leather jacket which every man should have in his wardrobe

2.2.2. If you like to attract attention you should have colored trousers in your garment collection. Trousers in red, turquoise, green, orange are no curiosity this summer

2.3. Shoe trends

2.3.1. One can't go wrong with Flip Flops. It's a classic solution for the hot summer months

2.3.2. Moccasin for men are very popular this summer, optimally coloured

2.4. Styling

2.4.1. The hair on the side short and on the top of the head long hair