Asthma in Sultanate Of Oman

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Asthma in Sultanate Of Oman by Mind Map: Asthma in Sultanate Of Oman

1. Action Points

1.1. Sereaching for corect information

1.2. Present them

2. Prioritize Ideas

2.1. Ways of searching information

2.2. Ways of presenting information

3. Plan

3.1. Goals

3.1.1. Having a clear knowledge about Asthma

3.1.2. Educate people about asthma

3.2. Asthma : diesease of lunds and airways

3.3. Capture Ideas: Books, intrviews and internet

3.4. Define Action Points: group members gathered to divide the works, start sereaching for our project, designning the poster, start sereaching for information deeply and finally writing last project and presenting it.

4. Problem

4.1. How to educate Omani people about asthma ?

5. questions

5.1. what does Asthma mean?

5.2. What are the couses?

5.3. What are the symptoms?

5.4. Treatment? how to educate people ?