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Thn by Mind Map: Thn

1. Topic 1

2. Grading

2.1. Grade weight 1

2.1.1. Detail 1

2.1.2. Detail 2

2.2. Grade weight 2

2.2.1. Detail 1

2.2.2. Detail 2

2.3. Grade weight 3

2.3.1. Detail 1

2.3.2. Detail 2

3. Course Objectives

3.1. Objective 1

3.2. Objective 2

3.3. Objective 3

4. Textbooks and Required Supplies

4.1. Item 1

4.2. Item 2

4.3. Item 3

4.4. Item 4

5. Rules of Conduct

5.1. Rule 1

5.2. Rule 2

5.3. Rule 3

6. Emergency Information

6.1. Evacuation procedure

6.2. First Aid

6.3. Medical/Ambulance

7. Description

7.1. Point 1

7.2. Point 2

7.3. Point 3

8. Organization

8.1. Lectures

8.2. Homework

8.3. Quizzes

8.4. Tests

9. Course Topics

9.1. Topic 2

9.2. Topic 3