ConservationSystem of the Kakapo

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ConservationSystem of the Kakapo by Mind Map: ConservationSystem of the Kakapo

1. Captive Rearing

2. Physical Traits

3. Flightless

4. Evolution of Flightless

4.1. New node

5. Richard Henry

6. Manipulate mating

7. Increase Female Population

8. Foucs on Genetic Diversity

9. Try to establish Independent Population

10. Population: 162

11. Characteristics

12. Habits

13. Nocturnal

14. Long Living

15. Genetic Diversity

15.1. Critical

16. New Zeland: Habitat

16.1. Food

16.2. Predators

16.2.1. Feral Cats

16.2.2. Rats

16.2.3. Other Non native Predators

16.2.4. Native Preadtors

16.2.5. Humans: Invasive Species

17. Background

17.1. History

17.1.1. Pre Humans After Humans

18. What is a Kakapo?

19. Conservation Efforts

20. Presents efforts/Conservation efforts

21. Decline

22. Major Problem: Invasive Species

23. Male Biased Sex Raito

23.1. Need Female Chicks

24. Supplementary feeding

25. Elimanation of Predators

25.1. Cameras

25.2. Posions

26. Relocation

26.1. Successful

26.1.1. Other islands

27. Kakapo Recovery Plan

27.1. Now ?

27.1.1. New node

27.2. Generic Diversity

27.2.1. Poor Hatching

27.3. Long term goal

27.3.1. More Females Diverse Population Independent Population

28. Mating

28.1. Males Role

28.1.1. Lek Breeding

28.2. Female Role

28.2.1. Raising Young

29. Reproduction

29.1. Depends on Fruiting

29.1.1. Every 2-5 yerars

30. Nutrient

30.1. Supplentry Feeding