Desktop Operating Systems

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Desktop Operating Systems by Mind Map: Desktop Operating Systems

1. Windows

1.1. Pros

1.1.1. bringing touch to the desktop and laptop

1.1.2. expected choice of operating system because it accompanies so many products whilst remaining relatively cheap

1.2. Cons

1.2.1. Microsoft tends to be a pure pain and you can get a run around when talking about the simplest of things

2. Ubuntu

2.1. Pros

2.1.1. An enormous free software library

2.1.2. Ubuntu is Free & Open Source

2.2. Cons

2.2.1. Many people that do not like the new Unity user interface

2.2.2. Ubuntu is still not 100% compatible with a lot of hardware

3. Mac OS X

3.1. Pros

3.1.1. best as far as customer service goe

3.2. Cons

3.2.1. Apple has kept its gestures to the trackpad

3.2.2. OS X requires you to buy these basic applications to do every day task

3.2.3. Auto Save Kills Save As