As long as the people in the public eye do their job well, does it matter what they do in private?

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As long as the people in the public eye do their job well, does it matter what they do in private? создатель Mind Map: As long as the people in the public eye do their job well, does it matter what they do in private?

1. Impacts/Affects

1.1. Individual (People of public eye)

1.1.1. Defamed

1.2. Community

1.2.1. Change of impression

1.2.2. Disappointed

2. Article 8

2.1. Protection for a person’s private and family life, home and correspondence from arbitrary interference by the State

2.2. The key point though is that it only applies to the State

2.3. Phone tapping, trespassing, breach of confidence and similar activities are illegal

2.4. If a journalist is found to have used one of those methods then they should expect the suitable repercussions

3. Defamation in Singapore

3.1. directly or indirectly, in the estimation of others, lowers the moral or intellectual character of that person, or lowers the character of that person in respect of his or her caste or calling, or lowers the credit of that person, or causes it to be believed that the body of that person is in a loathsome state, or in a state generally considered as disgraceful

4. Private life

4.1. Family

4.2. Friends

4.3. Relationships/affairs

5. People who do well in the public eye

5.1. Politicians

5.2. Inventors

5.3. Scientist

6. Privacy

6.1. preventing intimate acts or hiding one's body from others for the purpose of modesty

6.2. preventing unwelcome searching of one's personal possessions

6.3. preventing unauthorized access to one's home or vehicle

7. New node

8. New node