As long as people in the public eye do their job well, does it matter what they do in private?

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As long as people in the public eye do their job well, does it matter what they do in private? создатель Mind Map: As long as people in the public eye do their job well, does it matter what they do in private?

1. Disagree

1.1. Government

1.1.1. They act as role models for the people and have an indirect impact on the people.

1.1.2. They act as representatives of a country, the existence of scandals,negative news may cause other countries to lose trust in the government. Eg. Dominique Strauss- Kahn

1.1.3. The actions that they do in private may affect their views or mindset, thus having an indirect impact on the decisions they make.

1.1.4. If a person could not behave well in private, they may not behave well in public.

1.1.5. By choosing to be a part of the government system, they are actually exposing their private life to the media.

1.1.6. Their actions matters because they have a direct impact on the nation.

1.2. Other types eg. actors

1.2.1. Actors are still exposed to the media and people are watching, they should act as role models and refrain from carrying out actions that have a bad influence

1.2.2. Actors have a certain extent of impact on the people especially teenagers and children. Teenagers and children tend to imitate what they see.Eg Miley Cyrus

1.2.3. For people in other occupations, their private life does not matter because they are not affecting any one but definitely for not someone in the public eye.

2. Social Impact

2.1. Give others an excuse to do the same thing

2.2. Affect or even change people's mindset and attitude

3. Political Impact

3.1. Government of other countries may lose trust in the government system of the country

3.2. Leads to problems such as lack of discipline etc.

3.3. People of the country losing trust/confidence in the government system.

4. Agree

4.1. Government

4.1.1. Private life have nothing to do with their capabilities at work.

4.1.2. They are also humans and are entitled to their own space.

4.1.3. Some of them have contributed to the society significantly which proves that they have the ability to make rational and beneficial decision irregardless of their private life eg, Yaw Shin Leong the MP of Hougang

4.1.4. It is unfair to judge the capabilities a person based on their private life

4.2. Other types of people eg. actors

4.2.1. Their actions have a less significant impact on the people, because most people do not care what the actors do

4.2.2. They should have their own life, others have no right to interfere with their actions.