Artificial Intelligence

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1. EXAMPLES: - Smart assistants - Manufacturing and drone robots - Optimized, personalized healthcare treatment recommendations - Conversational bots for marketing and customer service - Social media monitoring tools for dangerous content or false news - Song or TV show recommendations from Spotify and Netflix

2. AI is a machine with the ability to solve problems that are usually done by us humans with our natural intelligence.

3. Artificial intelligence (AI) is wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence.

3.1. Thinking humanly Thinking rationally Acting humanly Acting rationally

4. “[AI] is going to change the world more than anything in the history of mankind. More than electricity.”— AI oracle and venture capitalist Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, 2018

5. Artificial intelligence generally falls under two broad categories

5.1. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): Is the kind of AI we see in the movies, like the robots from Westworld or Data from Star Trek. AGI is a machine with general intelligence and, much like a human being, it can apply that intelligence to solve any problem.

5.1.1. Narrow AI: Operates within a limited context and is a simulation of human intelligence. Is often focused on performing a single task well and while these machines may seem intelligent, they are operating under far more constraints and limitations than even the most basic human intelligence.

6. Artificial intelligence will always be present, today we can see it in different areas due to the investigations and important advances that researchers make daily, every day it is present in the use of computers, phones, even smart watches and much more.

6.1. As we can see in the article What is Artificial Intelligence?: “Narrow AI is all around us and is easily the most successful realization of artificial intelligence to date.”

7. Artificial intelligence is taking the course of technological advances and discoveries as we already see it in our lives, these researchers will not give up until they develop the algorithm that thinks and acts like or better than a human.

8. Artificial intelligence is impacting the future of virtually every industry and every human being. Artificial intelligence has acted as the main driver of emerging technologies like big data, robotics and IoT, and it will continue to act as a technological innovator for the foreseeable future.

8.1. With the advances that exist until today, we think that there is the possibility that in 20 years everything will be computerized and managed by machines.