HCCINOV 7441 Trend Hunter Self Assessment: Buckeye (S) took the Trend Hunter Innovative Leader te...

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HCCINOV 7441 Trend Hunter Self Assessment: Buckeye (S) took the Trend Hunter Innovative Leader test and there were 6 main traits that all innovative leaders have. by Mind Map: HCCINOV 7441 Trend Hunter Self Assessment: Buckeye (S) took the Trend Hunter Innovative Leader test and there were 6 main traits that all innovative leaders have.

1. Consistent

1.1. Demonstrates high levels of success and expertise

1.1.1. Consistency builds trust and adds value to the teams long term success. Focusing on consistent actions instead of merely end results is key when trying to advance innovation. When apply consistent manageable action they are more likely to achieve their goals.

1.1.2. Everyone in a system is obligated to add value. Everyone is doing something, even if it is negative. If someone is not adding value, they are disrupting the system by taking away value. Expertise = value added.

1.2. Extracts high performance from peers through collaboration

1.2.1. Establishing and maintaining productive relationships are critical to facilitate effective engagement that positively affects outcomes.

1.2.2. "Quantum leaders understand when to spend time building relationships and when to focus on tasks."

2. Disciplined

2.1. Strategic in implementing new strategies

2.1.1. Diligent organizational skills and attentive preparation have an important influence on the success of projects.

2.1.2. The disciplined approach to projects , challenges and opportunities sends out notice that the leader is dependable.

2.2. Optimizes methods to ensure stability and success

2.2.1. The leader realizes that a system's survival is dependent on the interactions between good structure, good processes and the members' product of their work that brings a positive impact to those it serves.

3. Loyal

3.1. Maintains high level of standards

3.1.1. Delivers consistent results by minimizing risks. Moves forward with plans that are likely to succeed. Follows organizational policy and meets deadlines.

3.2. "Collaborative intelligence.. no innovation is unilaterally or individually driven. Stakeholders need to have engagement and ownership. Innovative leaders understand radical change is unpredictable, meaning individuals need consistency to harness the dynamic needed to move an organization forward."

3.3. Dependable and reliable

3.3.1. Rather than managing a function or type of work, the leader should coordinate the elements and facilitate the relationship between work and worker at every level.

3.3.2. Loyal leaders are authentic. They serve those who report to them. They help their employees develop professionally. They trust their team members. They share their values and ideas.

4. Personal Assessment: During COVID-19 as an ambulatory nursing manager we have had to keep consistent visitor policies across the organization. As clinics/hospitals start ramping back to full capacity patients and their loved ones are having a hard time understanding the why behind not allowing visitors. This not only covers consistency in our process but we are in constant communication with our nursing director, nursing managers, physicians, registration staff, etc. This is a balancing act of communication and consistency.

5. Personal Assessment: When adding updates or changes to the EMR, we follow a process called Change Control. This goes to a team that reviews all changes to ensure one teams' change does not negatively affect another area of the EMR negatively. This is reviewed as a represenative from each area of the EMR to ensure that changes are applied seamlessly and without interruption to workflows. If an item is found to affect another EMR team, it is discussed during this time and if projects need created, this ensures all appropriate stakeholders are available.

6. Telephone Triage Management

6.1. Process

6.1.1. Revamping outpatient telephone triage to centralized call center with dedicated Nurse/APP supported with a decision support tool

6.2. Leadership Roles

6.2.1. Nurse manager As an innovation leader, I will work alongside my CNS and other nursing leaders to find the evidence to support a centralized telephone triage model. This will require significant education to the front line nurses, as it will be a large practice change. This project could benefit from a pilot group before moving the entire center to this model. As this innovative idea is implemented the need to be flexible and having patience is paramount. Providing the evidence in data tables to the physicians and senior leadership will be a way to help gain the organizations support. This best practice model could potentially go across the university.

6.2.2. Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)

6.2.3. Process Engineer

6.2.4. Physician Leads- Will be responsible for championing physician buy in to support this new process. Will need to ensure that physicians are readily available to sign off on medications, answer questions that require a physicians input, etc. so wait times do not lag.

6.2.5. APP Manager- Serve as a liason between the physicians and the nurses attending to the triage line. Will try to answer questions at first point of contact so it does not need to go to physician group.

6.3. Stakeholders

6.3.1. Physicians: Last line in the call triage process when appropriate. Will be last point of contact in getting an answer.

6.3.2. Nurses: Will work and lead the triage call line. Will have a dedicate line that goes directly to a centralized call center and able to answer questions for patients. Typically these calls go through central scheduling and are triaged to a nurse.

6.3.3. Information Technologist- Will look into ways the system could provide automatic processes and more streamlined workflows in the EMR to best support the clinical teams involved.

6.3.4. Patient Access Staff- Will be primarily only handling scheduling related calls. They will have the triage nurses contact if a patient reaches them with a clinical concern.

6.3.5. Patients/Caretakers- Will have quicker access to their clinical team due to not having to call and get transferred multiple times, waiting on call backs, etc. by being able to directly connect to a nurse and not a centralized scheduling department.

6.3.6. APPs: Liason between the triage nurse and physician. Ex: if a patient is calling in for a prescription refill, a nurse is unable to complete this request but an APP is able to fill an Rx without the physicians signature.

6.3.7. Data Analytics: Review call volumes and existing productivity reports to ensure that an appropriate number of staff are dedicated to the triage line. Will provider this information to leadership to see which areas need improved upon.

6.4. Components/Elements

6.4.1. Reviewing evidence of what clinical support tool is best used for quality outcomes yet supported by organization

6.4.2. Nurse/APP education for support tool

6.4.3. IT build to create a more intuitive system to support this model

6.4.4. Physician buy in

6.4.5. Reworking current staffing model

6.4.6. Collaborating with data analyst to ensure we are capturing the calls in our productivity

6.5. Impact

6.5.1. Higher patient satisfaction rating due to standardization and higher quality care

6.5.2. Able to have a more succinct process of telehealth workflows.

6.5.3. Able to see more patients though the day by not wasting time waiting for answers or call backs

6.5.4. Less risk to organization due to variations in triage

6.5.5. Patient will receive immediate response

6.5.6. Removes patient access (unlicensed personnel) from triaging incoming calls that are critical or urgent.

6.5.7. Minimizes impact of sentinel event.

7. Willing to Destroy

7.1. Consistently looking to the future to reinvent & capture new opportunities

7.1.1. "rather than simply suggesting that everyone and everything must change, they must lead by example. They must serve as witnesses to the changes and show others how to adapt to the changes in their own lives. In the initial stages of transformation, leaders must be able to show that the coming changes represent a critical shift and must, through their passion for movement, inspire responses from others."

7.1.2. "Idea generation requires time and an open mind. Brainstorming, mind mapping, identifying what-ifs, model build and future state mapping are strategies to support idea generation. Plesk (1997) described directed creativity as one of the essential strategies to assist individuals in bringing forth their creative skills and knowledge."

7.1.3. "Shifting the notion of risk taking as negative and costly to one of essential work in a complex and rapidly changing organization requires major organizational change in mission, role expectations, rewards, and recognition and measurement of outcomes.

7.2. Demonstrates flexibility & resilience in the face of loss, failure or uncertainty

7.2.1. "Feedback with consequences." "Balancing risk and reward in a regulated world" -The risks of the angry taxi driver, higher insurance premiums, municipality threats of impounding car. -On the other side, drunk driving rates have fallen by 10%, cars are being utilized more efficiently and taking more cars off the road, reducing congestion and emission.

7.2.2. Video: Ten faces of innovation. Example of Jack Andraka who won the Intel Science in Engineering Award for how we look at and treat pancreatic cancer. A close friend passed away from pancreatic cancer which motivated him to look into how to detect this type of cancer earlier and cheaper. He proved to be resilient in the face of loss.

7.2.3. Principle 6: Error is Essential to Success. "Error indicates where a system has to adjust to new circumstances."

8. Insatiable

8.1. Motivated to begin new projects and to gain new skills and experiences

8.1.1. Circle of Innovation. "Innovators must be allowed to control their circumstances, undertake creative processing, and maintain dynamic interaction in ways that can yield genuine benefits unconstrained by illegeitimate control that is exercised from outside the immediate circle of innovation." The "Out of Box" Consituents

8.1.2. "By embracing the journey of knowledge, you embrace the skills that you gain through the management of that knowledge and through the articulate and sharing of that knowledge with the team."

8.1.3. Creating a Context That Supports the Innovator. "The leaders ability to obtain the best thinking and most committed processes within an innovation dynamic is the best indicator of the existence of an appropriate process supporting innovation in the workplace."

8.1.4. Form Uncommon Partnerships. "Another consideration to advance innovation is the creation of partnerships that include individuals from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. Innovation requires teamwork and strategic partnerships that are in-person, verbal, and virtual online relationships."

8.2. Demonstrates initiative, adaptability and determination with new projects & ideas

8.2.1. "This leaves you far more likely to make impulsive decisions that ignore the potential consequences of your actions."

9. Curious

9.1. Strong desire to learn new things & question the status quo

9.1.1. When do you question authority or listen to the little voice of question inside us that ignites a big dream? Listening to that voice can allow us to do make the impossible possible!

9.1.2. I'm willing to try anything once" Sir Richard Branson "Less about the who and more about the what. What are you willing to take a small idea and make it big for?!" "The greatest invention is in the mind of a child." Thomas Edison

9.2. Motivated to explore unknown paths to identify insight & potential that others often overlook

9.2.1. "A leader's primary role is to live fully in the realm of potential reality. The leader is not only an operational expert and problem solver but he/she is a good "signpost" reader. To be effective the leader must anticipate the path of change and then spell it out for the team."

9.2.2. When executing a new care delivery model or clinical pilot, the most innovative leaders question how an innovation can/will affect all parties and collaborates with stakeholders with diverse perspectives to plan the implementation.

10. Personal Assessment: When working as the manager in registration, I was able to witness moving into the new James Cancer Hospital. While the time was exciting, we quickly realized some issues. The doorways in the registration area were not large enough to bring in a wheelchair to a registration suite and there were no automated doors throughout the registration area. We took these issues to leadership and the facilities department. We realized this was a big request as this was not a cheap fix we eventually had facilities and patient experience shadow our areas to see how difficult it was for patients in wheelchairs to navigate our areas. They eventually installed handicapped automated door buttons, removed the doors to the suits, and added sliding glass doorways to ensure privacy.

11. Personal Assessment: When implementing Telehealth, this was an unprecedented time and the options were unlimited in how we wanted to roll this out from an IT perspective. Prior to COVID, we had minimal groups who had gone live with video visits and were part of a pilot program. When COVID hit, we had to allow all providers access to use Telehealth as a way to treat patients. Although there was a pilot program, we had to be willing to trust out gut, learn new skill sets and be willing to make mistakes as we went. There were mistakes made but we course corrected when those arose and made the Telehealth roll out as seamless as possible.