As long people do their job in the public eye do their job, it does not matter how they behave in...

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As long people do their job in the public eye do their job, it does not matter how they behave in private. by Mind Map: As long people do their job in the public eye do their job, it does not matter how they behave in private.

1. Claim


2.1. Why?

2.1.1. Everybody have the right to do what they want in their private life as privacy is a basic elemant of human rights. Since what they do is in private and does not affect the public, it is perfectly alright since it is not harming anyone.


3.1. Why?

3.1.1. Some people, like celebraties or parents are seen as role models by others. By setting a bad example, it would definitely influence the admirer causing them to follow the wrong ways as well. New node


4.1. Why?

4.1.1. No matter what we do, it does not give us the right to the wrong thing even if it is no within range of the public view Examples, Scandals, Crimes.


5.1. If what they do differently in private in benificial then why not since it would benefit people rather than harm others.

5.1.1. Examples, Charity services, doing voluntary work unrelated to profession