Do you agree that city life is becoming increasingly unattractive?

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Do you agree that city life is becoming increasingly unattractive? af Mind Map: Do you agree that city life is becoming increasingly unattractive?

1. Opinion of city dwellers

1.1. stressful

1.2. life is fast paced

1.3. high cost of living

1.4. Pollution

2. Latest technology

2.1. smartphones

3. Meaningless pursuit of money (like Silas Marner)

4. Foreignors from Developing Countries

4.1. Better standard of living

4.2. Job opportunities

4.2.1. Higher pay compared to in homeland

4.3. Political stability

4.4. Safety

4.4.1. Laws

5. Lacking beauty of nature

5.1. Scenery replaced with skyscrapers

5.2. Noise pollution from traffic

6. Advanced modes of trasport

6.1. Underground trains

7. Advanced healthcare facilities