Validity and Reliability are needed when assessing a test.

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Validity and Reliability are needed when assessing a test. by Mind Map: Validity and Reliability are needed when assessing a test.

1. Prediciate Validity Evidence predicts the future behavior of the examinees. This form of evidence is displayed in the Aptitude Test or SAT II or in the mental health field.

2. Concurrent Criterion Related Validity measures test that can be administered at the same time. This allows the measure to be validated at the same time and issued a numeric value. For example, Stanford-Binet V and the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children IV measures IQ test.

3. Criterion Related Validity Evidence scores are established from the test that are correlated by the external criterion. There are two external criterion concurrent and predictive.

4. Content Validity Evidence inspects the test to verify the test corresponds with the user objectives. For example, in a classroom setting does the test measure the instructional objectives.

5. Validity does the test properly measure the objectives.

6. Alternative form is to provide to forms of the test to ensure reliability of the given test in equliavent forms. This works because it eliminates problems that can be memorized. The challenge is creating two good examples of equal value.

7. Reliability of test means the test should yield the same or close to the same result each time the test is given.

8. Three Methods of reliability

9. Test Retest test should be given twice to yield a correlation between the 1st and 2nd scores. For example, a spelling test should be issued on Friday one week and Friday the following week.

10. Internal Consistency means test items should correlate with other. Test questions should build on each other to remain internal consistency.