Synthesizers with Comb Filters (In Production) by

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Synthesizers with Comb Filters (In Production) by by Mind Map: Synthesizers with Comb Filters  (In Production) by

1. Tone2

1.1. ElectraX

1.2. Gladiator

2. Waldorf

2.1. Largo

2.2. Blofeld

3. U-He

3.1. Zebra 2

3.2. Triple Cheese

4. Rob Papen

4.1. Blade

4.2. Predator

4.3. Sub Boom Bass

4.4. Blue

4.5. Albino 3

4.6. Punch

5. Recent but out of Production

5.1. Akai

5.1.1. Miniak

5.1.2. Micron

5.2. Korg

5.2.1. Radius

5.3. Clavia

5.3.1. Nord Modular G2

6. Sugar Bytes

6.1. Unique

7. Synapse

7.1. Dune

8. Camel Audio

8.1. Alchemy

9. Which ones am I missing? Drop me an email.

10. Native Instruments

10.1. Absynth

11. Korg

11.1. Korg R3

12. Access

12.1. Virus (as of os 4)

13. John Bowen

13.1. Solaris

14. Cakewalk

14.1. Z3ta+ 2

15. Propellerhead

15.1. Thor

15.2. Malström

16. Elektron

16.1. Octratrack

17. Contributors

17.1. Mark Mosher (curator)

17.2. Matthew Fecher

17.3. Øystein Olsen

17.4. Anthony Distefano

17.5. Howard Scarr

17.6. Garren Grant

17.7. Joc O

17.8. Jean-Raymond CIVETTA

17.9. Stefan Blixt

18. Green Oak

18.1. Crystal

19. Checkout my other maps and sites

19.1. If you find this helpful and it saved you time, please consider a donation to support the effort and my hosting fees. (Click arrow on right side of this branch.)

19.2. "What's New in Ableton Live 9"

19.3. All my other maps

