Force and Pressure MindMap :D

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Force and Pressure MindMap :D by Mind Map: Force and Pressure MindMap :D

1. What are forces

1.1. A push or a pull

1.1.1. stretching, squeezing, twisting, bending and lifting

1.2. Exerted when one object interacts with another

1.3. The ability to do work

1.4. capacity to do work or cause physical change

2. Effects of Forces

2.1. Stationery State

2.2. Size

2.3. Speed

2.4. Direction of Object

2.5. Shape

3. How to Measure a Force

3.1. Using Force-Metres

3.1.1. Eg. Spring Balence

4. Types of Forces

4.1. Frictional Force

4.1.1. created when two surfaces move

4.1.2. the force between 2 things that stops them from moving.

4.2. Magnetic Force

4.2.1. A magnet can attract objects made of iron and steel.

4.3. Gravitational Force

4.3.1. the force the Earth exerts on you

4.3.2. gravitational force equals your weight

5. What is Pressure

5.1. amount of force applied to an area

5.2. increases when force increases

5.3. SI Unit is Pa (pascal)

5.4. Force per unit area

6. How to increase Pressure

6.1. reduce area of object

7. How to calculate Pressure

7.1. Force divide by area