Project planning and managment

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Project planning and managment by Mind Map: Project planning and managment

1. Objectives of project

1.1. Designing and planning of new reception entrace for EFS

1.1.1. Put together a presentation to show the current design and the process and steps to complete this

1.2. A newer impressive reception with branded supporters

1.3. Obtaining research to improvemtns of reception and putting in place a plan and objectives to ensure new design is a improvment and completed in time

1.3.1. Complete mind map of pla Obtain research into imporvments and where possible Put this into powerpoints ready to present

2. Resources required

2.1. Knowledge and understanding of objectives

2.2. Microsoft Word

2.3. Microsoft Powerpoint

2.4. Research into variety of designs that can be used

3. People involved

3.1. Richard Cronin Headteacher oversering main project

3.1.1. Daniel Hitchin Apprentice assisting and compling research and presentations

3.2. Teachers with constructive feedback

3.3. Alistair James Efc In charge of makreting and approval of ideas

3.4. Everton FC providing resources to assist in design and build

4. Roles and responsabilities

4.1. Everton freeschool

4.1.1. Richard Cronin Headteache, who oversses everything within Everton freeschool and signs off on any final buildand costs. Daniel Hitchin, obtaining research into website and compelting presentations to put forward on behalf of the school towards final build.

4.2. Eveton football club

4.2.1. Alistair James who is currently overseeing the project managment on building Evertons and EITC website improvments

5. Possible risks

5.1. New design does not suit the school

5.2. Glass can break and leave design missing peices

5.3. Overbudgeting

5.4. Looking to corporate

6. Timeline

6.1. Complete mind map and set up plan and steps to complete project

6.1.1. Highlight pros and cons e Obtain research into different ideas Once everyone is happy with presentations a meeting will be arranged with the team at Everton in charge of the oversight of the design and build Meeting happens and both sides disuss ideas that are possible and limitations that we may recieve We can then go back to our presentation and add/amend aspects from our first build to fully submit to the team. Put this information into microsoft word and powerpoint documents highlighting this and present both documents to headteacher for additional comments

6.1.2. Put this information into microsoft word and powerpoint highlighting this