How frustration can make us more creative | Tim Harford

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How frustration can make us more creative | Tim Harford by Mind Map: How frustration can make us more creative | Tim Harford

1. 1 Keith Jarrett example 1975

1.1. Altough the piano was too bad Keith Jarrett made the concert. And he created a master piece while improvising

1.2. Vera Brandes

1.2.1. Vera Brandes

1.3. Keith Jarrett

1.3.1. Keith Jarrett

1.3.2. Keith Jarrett - The Art Of Improvisation

1.4. cologne opera house

1.4.1. video cologne opera house

1.4.2. Photo cologne opera house

1.5. Neverforget only for you

1.6. Best selling solo Jazz album

1.7. Comment We need to gain a bit more appreciation for the unexpected advantages of having to cope with a little mess

1.8. Video

1.8.1. How frustration can make us more creative | Tim Harford

2. 2 Certain kind of obstacle can actually improve our perfermance

2.1. The students that had diffucult fonts to read do better

2.2. If readers encounter a disfluency—something hard to decipher—they become less confident in their ability to understand, and that nervousness makes them concentrate harder and process the material more deeply. / Daniel Oppenheimer

2.2.1. HBR article

2.2.2. Fonts Arial Black Font Monotype Corsiva Font / Hard to read

2.3. Daniel Oppenheimer

2.3.1. Photo Daniel Oppenheimer

2.3.2. video Daniel Oppenheimer

2.4. Video

2.4.1. How frustration can make us more creative | Tim Harford

3. 3 Quality of Attention Filters

3.1. Shelley Carlson

3.1.1. Photo Dr. Shelley Carlson

3.2. video

3.2.1. How frustration can make us more creative | Tim Harford

3.3. Weak attention filter students do better in future life

3.4. They are able to think outside the box becouse their boxes are full of holes

3.4.1. Think outside the box

4. 4 How do you solve a complicated Question

4.1. Video

4.1.1. How frustration can make us more creative | Tim Harford

4.2. Try to solve it step by step

4.2.1. Prototype Test Tweak Impove Loop

4.3. A dash of maze

4.3.1. video How frustration can make us more creative | Tim Harford

4.3.2. You add randomeness early on the process you make crazy moves and try stupid things

5. 5 Diverse Groups are Better

5.1. The Article from Scientific American

5.1.1. How Diversity Empowers Science and Innovation

5.1.2. How Diversity Makes Us Smarter / Katherine Phillips The pain associated with diversity can be thought of as the pain of exercise. You have to push yourself to grow your muscles. The pain, as the old saw goes, produces the gain. In just the same way, we need diversity—in teams, organizations and society as a whole—if we are to change, grow and innovate.

5.2. Experiment four friends & three friends one stranger

5.2.1. The the team with the stranger does better

5.2.2. How they feel Three friends and a stranger They do not feel good and they score better Four friends They feel good But they score less

5.3. Katherine Phillips

5.3.1. Photo Katherine W. Phillips

5.3.2. video /benefits of diversity The benefits — and pitfalls — of diversity, with Prof. Katherine Phillips

5.3.3. The pain associated with diversity can be thought of as the pain of exercise. You have to push yourself to grow your muscles. The pain, as the old saw goes, produces the gain. In just the same way, we need diversity—in teams, organizations and society as a whole—if we are to change, grow and innovate.

5.4. video

5.4.1. How frustration can make us more creative | Tim Harford

6. Author

6.1. Tim Harford

6.1.1. Photo Tim Harford

6.1.2. Video A powerful way to unleash your natural creativity | Tim Harford

7. 6 Brian Eno

7.1. Brian Eno / ambient composer

7.1.1. Photo Brian Eno

7.1.2. Video Brian Eno Brian Eno on Apollo

7.2. Boost the rock bands

7.2.1. With beeing the awkward strenger

7.3. brian eno oblique strategies

7.3.1. brian eno oblique strategies

7.3.2. Brian Eno's Oblique Strategies: An introduction

7.3.3. Wikipedia Use an old idea. State the problem in words as clearly as possible. Only one element of each kind. What would your closest friend do? What to increase? What to reduce? Are there sections? Consider transitions. Try faking it! Honour thy error as a hidden intention. Ask your body. Work at a different speed. Gardening not Architecture

7.3.4. Android app

7.4. Just becouse you do not like it doesn't mean it is helping you

7.5. video

7.5.1. How frustration can make us more creative | Tim Harford

8. Summary

8.1. Run Stupid experiments

8.2. Deal with awkward strangers

8.3. Try to read ugly fonts

8.4. We need to have a will power to deal with all

9. 7 We need to try to play un playable piano

9.1. Video

9.1.1. How frustration can make us more creative | Tim Harford