Property Inspection

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Property Inspection by Mind Map: Property Inspection

1. How the inspection was carried out?

1.1. Looking at the condition and structural defects of the property.

1.2. Defects should be accompanied by photos.

1.3. Collecting as much datas at needed to describe and analyse the property.

2. Additions

2.1. Building plan

2.2. Location

2.3. Defects

3. Summary

3.1. Type of property

3.2. Condition

3.2.1. Excellent

3.2.2. Good

3.2.3. Fair

3.2.4. Poor

3.3. Perfomance

3.4. Accomodation

3.5. Weather condition during the inspection.

3.5.1. Cloudy

3.5.2. Rainy

3.5.3. Partly cloudy

3.5.4. Sunny

4. Geistesblitze

4.1. Inspection

5. Overall inspections

5.1. Type of materials used

5.2. The design of the building

5.3. Features of the building

5.4. Defects/deficiencies

5.4.1. Cracks

5.4.2. Piling off paint

5.4.3. Water penetration

5.4.4. Decaying of wood

5.5. Overall Performance of the building

5.6. Age of the property

5.7. State in which the building is

6. Service

6.1. Inside

6.1.1. Good

6.1.2. Fair

6.1.3. Poor

6.2. Outside

6.2.1. Good

6.2.2. Fair

6.2.3. Poor

7. Aim of the inpection

7.1. Inspection of the overall property including plumbing, workmanship, drainage and electricity

7.2. Full Inspection of both the inside and outside of the property.

7.3. Objectives when doing property inspection. For instance a Lay out plan/rough sketch and Measuring tap are very important.