Classroom Management

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Classroom Management by Mind Map: Classroom Management

1. When it comes to classroom management you must prepare your mindset for the students success. According to Classroom management: Prepare your mindset article, it states that being prepared to set-up procedures and rules will set your student's up for success. Also, think of the students more than just students. They are real people and you must teach them to work together because you can learn more information when working in a group.

2. If students disobey or listen to your policies, procedures, and rules you must have consequences. Make sure you make the connection between the behavior and consequences. According to the First year teachers survival guide page 363, Thompson states the purpose of a consequences is to help students learn how to follow the classroom rules. Consequences should be timely. which means have the students apologize quickly rather then later. Always have a first offense: a verbal warning, Second Offense: meet with the teacher, and Third Offense: Phone call home.

3. According to the first year teachers survival guide page 361, Thompson states that, teachers must teach and enforce school rules by being consistent with enforcing the rules. Because if the teacher does not enforce their rules, the teacher will start to have conflict with the student. This will create a bad relationship with the student and this will hinder the student from learning and being successful.

4. Classroom management starts with having having a leadership role in the classroom, because if the teacher is not leading the classroom, the students will not succeed as much. I addition to this, you cannot have good classroom management without having policies, procedures, and rules.

5. According to the first year teacher's survival guide on page 355, Thompson states that, a well managed classroom has a well organized arrangement of policies, procedures, and rules to make sure of the students safety and learning. Also, it is to insure that the students will stay on task and have confidence in their work.

6. The teacher should try to influence the student to take ownership in the classroom for what they do. According to the first years teacher guide section Eleven page 368, Thompson states that Getting the students involved early with class expectations so that the expectations will work. Ask students what is their reasons for their behaviors, and occasionally give your students a quiz over the class rules.