9 Things You Need To Know To Start A Profitable Side Hustle

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9 Things You Need To Know To Start A Profitable Side Hustle 作者: Mind Map: 9 Things You Need To Know To Start A Profitable Side Hustle

1. Always Experiment

1.1. Things change. And there’s always a better way to do things.

1.2. Take time every week to try one new thing.

2. Try To Accept A Lot Of Projects

2.1. Always put your best foot forward, and accept as many projects as you can (while still staying sane).

2.2. You never know what will come of that new relationship later. Even if the work is free.

3. Take On Projects You’re Terrified Of

3.1. The vast majority of the time, taking on projects you're afraid of leads to you being happier.

3.2. Conquering fear is a major stress reliever

4. You Still Need To Do Things You Don’t Want To Do

4.1. We can never escape from having to do things we don’t want to do. Even if you’re an entrepreneur and you call the shots.

4.2. No matter how much we’ve designed our work day and our lives, we must continue to slog through some sort of mud pit eventually.

5. What You Want Today Won’t Be What You Want Tomorrow

5.1. Not only is the board we’re playing on changing constantly.. we are changing constantly as well.

5.2. Journal to know yourself more. You need to know yourself first above everything else.

6. Automate Sh*t

6.1. When parts of your business feel stale, then automate it.

6.2. Give it off to a virtual assistant, or a partner, or a freelancer to help you.

6.3. This will give you time to work on the projects that fire you up.

7. Most Ventures Take A Lot Of Time To “Bake”

7.1. Think how long you believe something will take you to accomplish and multiply it by three. That’s a more likely timeline.

7.2. If you’re growing impatient with a particular venture, chances are you’re right on schedule.

8. Share What You’re Doing Online

8.1. You never know what will happen.

8.2. Just share what you’re doing. Many will find it interesting, and some may know someone else who can help you.

8.3. Focus on LinkedIn

9. Find A Community Immediately

9.1. It’s amazing how much value comes from being able to talk to someone about your work problems.

9.2. It’s nice to be able to find people you can relate to. On a mental health note alone, this is worth it.

9.3. You’ll also find that some of the best advice and tips you’ll ever receive are from people who are doing what you do every day.