Backup Strategy for Photograpers

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Backup Strategy for Photograpers by Mind Map: Backup Strategy for Photograpers

1. It's about

1.1. happily continue after you lost your drive

1.2. guaranteed reliability for your clients

1.3. but it's not about... archiving

2. How do I do it

2.1. 3 drives revolving

2.1.1. locally at the office

2.1.2. at a secret location

2.1.3. in transit

2.2. Online backup

2.3. CrashPlan


2.3.2. covers all aspects

2.3.3. very affordable

2.3.4. prooven

3. Strategy Checkpoints

3.1. redundancy

3.1.1. locations

3.1.2. devices

3.1.3. versions

3.2. speed

3.3. flexibility

3.3.1. all document types

3.3.2. all team members

3.4. friction free

3.5. reliability

3.5.1. simplicity

3.5.2. well tested

3.6. automation

3.6.1. auto restart

3.6.2. laziness

3.7. security