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1. Meaning of Pedagogy

1.1. Pedagogy is a deliberate attempt of improving learning processes of students by considering:

1.1.1. Nature

1.1.2. Contents

1.1.3. Methods

1.1.4. Media

1.1.5. Other aspects of the environment

2. Can Machines Replace The Pedagogies?

2.1. ICT reduces repetitive efforts. The teachers can play special pedagogical roles for creative functions and personal intimacy of transactions.

2.2. Teachers will play the required roles of intermediaries and motivators.

2.3. Technology cannot take decisions like humans.

2.4. Teachers will engage personal assessments and feedback.

2.5. Teachers will always serve as motivators and intermediaries between the technology and the learners.

3. Issues

3.1. Pedagogical Conflicts

3.1.1. Using office based software VS Using subject based software

3.1.2. New knowledge and new representations VS Using existing knowledge and traditional representations

3.1.3. Challenges of networked learning environments VS Abilities of teachers to use ICT National Curriculum requirements

3.2. Teachers' subject knowledge

3.2.1. ICT uses will change the nature & representations of knowledge and of the way the subject is presented to and engages the pupils

3.3. Teachers' pedagogical knowledge

3.4. Teachers' knowledge of the potential of ICT

3.4.1. the potential of ICT and networked resources not only in terms of its contribution to pupils‟ presentation skills but in terms of its facilities for challenging pupils‟ thinking and extending pupils‟ learning in a subject.

3.4.2. how to prepare and plan courses and lessons where ICT is used which will challenge pupils‟ understanding and promote reflection and thinking, in the subject

3.5. Pedagogical practices and affordances

3.6. Special needs

3.7. Gender

3.8. Rule of teacher, learner and assesser

3.9. Language

3.10. Role of community

3.11. Curriculum

3.12. Life long learning