Topic: Dependency Theme Theme: Being dependent on the wrong people will bring you down.

Writer's Craft Submitted by Maya Sarafin

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Topic: Dependency Theme Theme: Being dependent on the wrong people will bring you down. by Mind Map: Topic: Dependency Theme Theme: Being dependent on the wrong people will bring you down.

1. Conclusion- With the main characters life gone, we see a new character with the same characteristics of her- vulnerability, overwhelmed in loneliness. The story ends with this new character being approached by the fairies.

2. 9. Falling action- In her last moments of life, she looks around and can see the 'euphoric' faces of her friends. They have turned evil. She realizes it was her own imagination that made them look angelic. She notices that she craved bonds so bad that she created her own version of friendship that was not reality.

2.1. 10. It takes her up until death to realize loneliness is better than a fake, harsh reality.

3. 7. Climax- The climax in the story is when the main character is brought to her friends' ritual. She is told to wear the white and stand in the middle of the circle.

3.1. 8. What makes this situation a climax is that this is actually a sacrificial. With her in the circle, she is given the 'pixie blood' that paralyzes her and she is lit on fire.

4. 1. My short story will be set in a 'fantasy'. This is to outline that the 'bad' people usually aren't visible as wrong. A lot of the time, they can be seen as euphoric.

5. 4. Rising actions: The speaker starts to see concerning signs from her friends. She looks past all the signs. She would rather replace her loneliness with bad morals.

5.1. 5. These signs include: Pressuring her into killing the other beautiful creatures in the village. For example: she is told to kill a toad. They express that they are different creatures. The speaker hesitates until they group refers to her as 'we'. She finally feels a part of something and kills it.

5.2. 6. She is told to drink the 'pixie blood'. She hesitates until sees all her friends doing it. When she does take it, she experiences hallucination where her deepest nightmares of lonesome and abandonment are present.

6. 3. Plot Complications: The speaker will find 'fairy' like individuals. They speak gracefully. They wear all white and seek friendship with the speaker. The main character does not hesitate, as she only looks to what is in front of her.

7. 2. Beginning Situations and Exposition: The story will begin with the main character who expresses signs of wanting more in her life. She wants more friends, more experiences.