"Environmental conservation is motivated by man's self-interest"

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"Environmental conservation is motivated by man's self-interest" por Mind Map: "Environmental conservation is motivated by man's self-interest"

1. Individuals

1.1. New node

1.2. For: Genuinely thinking of the environment

1.2.1. Examples:

1.3. New node

2. Corporations

2.1. Against: Corporate Social Responsibility is only for branding purposes

2.1.1. Starbucks Bring your own tumbler vs. scandal http://www.newscientist.com/blogs/shortsharpscience/2008/10/-an-investigation-by-the.html

2.1.2. Kimberly-Clark

2.2. Against: They need to manage resources for sustainability of resources for long term use.

3. NGOs

4. Government

4.1. profit oriented thus, they are not concerrned about environment

4.2. For: