Death of Natural Selection

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Death of Natural Selection by Mind Map: Death of Natural Selection

1. Current Knowledge

1.1. Status of Current Situation

1.1.1. Natural selection was first identified by Darwin in 1850's.

1.1.2. Artificial selection being a much faster process causes evolution to proceed if ways never seen before.

1.1.3. Two types of Artificial selection. Intended Intended breeding includes purposeful breeding such as getting the optimal corn or cow to get most amount of milk Unintended Are results of evolution that were not desired such as grains and seeds getting larger in size.

1.2. Future

1.2.1. In the future, it is likely that artificial selection will overtake natural evolution as a result of human interventions Causes that natural selection dying Climate Change Deforestation Destruction of Habitat

2. Problems

2.1. What are the downsides of the death of natural selection

2.2. Impact of the world with only artificial selection?

3. Questions I Have

3.1. Why cant we breed organisms to be able to survive changes in climate and environment.

3.2. How is artificial selection affecting the current world?

3.3. What are the advantages of both types of selection?

3.4. What are the disadvantages of both types of selection?

4. Connections to Course

4.1. Evolution

4.1.1. Natural Selection What is Natural Selection Natural selection is a mechanism of evolution. Organisms that are more adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and pass on the genes that aided their success. This process causes species to change and diverge over long time.

4.1.2. Artificial Selection Artificial selection is the breeding for suitable characteristics in plants and animals by humans, and the measures taken in subsequent generations to develop and maintain certain characteristics. Artificial selection works the same way as natural selection, except natural selection works by rules of nature, not human intervention, that makes these decisions.

4.1.3. Darwin's Theories The theory of Natural selection was written as the changes in organisms overtime due to causes of nature. Darwin was able to conclude to his theory of natural selection bases on finches on the Galapagos Islands