1. Topic: New Media
1.1. Definitions of?
1.1.1. Flew digital media the convergence of computers, communication networks and media content (the 3cs)
1.1.2. Henry Jenkins the participation of convergence culture
1.2. What is new media?
1.2.1. couldn't you call it up-dated media?
1.2.2. who's made it new?
1.2.3. an academic concern about the 'newness' of media in everyday social practice facilitated by digital and computer technologies
2. Focus: Web 2.0
2.1. What is Web 2.0?
2.1.1. O'Reilly 2005
2.1.2. Anderson 2007
2.1.3. a formulation by the internet business community about the sense of a new generation of more effective web tools and services using the internet as a platform
2.2. using the internet for the original purpose which was to inform people and to connect the world together
3. Essay's Viewpoint
3.1. Flew suggests that Web 2.0 is central to understanding new media
3.1.1. Agree, yes why?
3.1.2. Disagree, no why?
3.1.3. is it really new media??? i think the basic concept is the same, but because technology has advanced it's enabled us to do the same on the internet
3.1.4. maybe.
4. Values associated with Web 2.0?
4.1. Community
4.2. doest culture and comunity come hand in hand
4.2.1. no, community is an idea about personal relationships around shared interests, whereas culture refers to 'whole way of life' which incorporates all kinds of social practices, meanings and relationships yes New node New node but in a comunity dont you and your peers folow a certain culture where u wear certain clothes listen to certain music different web 2.0 appeal to certain cultures you can belong to different groups who share the same interests, but this doesn't mean community
5. Instruction: Discuss
5.1. Explain the meaing of something
5.2. Explore the meaning logically
6. culture?
6.1. the significance of everyday life
6.2. media culture
6.2.1. the way that media is brought into everyday life in different cultures it's perceived differently No it's not, media brings you the news and entertainment - how else can you view it
7. technology
7.1. different ways to access the internet
7.1.1. laptop, phones, computer games, etc can acess the internet anywhere People who go on facebook and beebo etc. on their phones should be shot.