Types of Energy (Group 5) - Hunter, Xavier, Marcus, Toby, Pat, Jasper, Tara C, Ella, Beth, Erin, ...

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Types of Energy (Group 5) - Hunter, Xavier, Marcus, Toby, Pat, Jasper, Tara C, Ella, Beth, Erin, Alexia by Mind Map: Types of Energy (Group 5) - Hunter, Xavier, Marcus, Toby, Pat, Jasper, Tara C, Ella, Beth, Erin, Alexia

1. Electrical Energy - Ella

1.1. How does it work? Electrical energy is caused by moving electric charges called electrons. The faster the charges move, the more electrical energy they carry. As the charges that cause the energy are moving, electrical energy is a form of kinetic energy.

1.2. How do we use it daily? Electrical energy is used throughout the world to power devices, appliances and methods of transportation utilized in daily life. To make things operate, electrical energy must be emitted from energy sources such as power plants, to enable an object to consume the power it needs to function.

1.3. Types of Energy: Alternating current (AC) Direct current (DC) Lightning. Batteries. Capacitors. Energy generated by electric eels.

1.4. An example of electrical energy is power from a plug outlet.

2. Chemical Energy - Alexia

2.1. Chemical energy is the energy stored within chemical bonds, which makes its energy inside atoms and molecules

2.2. Any matter considered to be a fuel contains chemical energy

2.3. It is a form of potential energy but can be changed into other forms of energy by chemical reactions/chemical changes

2.4. The energy is released when a chemical reaction occurs, and only then can be seen and measured

2.5. Everyday example: Food → It is digested to convert the chemical energy within the food into other forms of energy used by cells in the body (allows our body to function; move, speak, body warmth, ect.)

3. Sound Energy - xavier

3.1. Sound is transmitted trough waves called sound waves

3.2. Sound waves are formed by the vibration of an object causing the air around it to vibrate letting the sound waves travel

3.3. The sound waves are vibrating off of the atoms in the air and due to this in vacuum where this is the absence of air sound can’t travel through vacuums

3.4. Sound is the movement of energy in fluids like water or air

3.5. An example of the this kind of energy is a bell. The inside of the bell is hit by the clapper it causes the metal to vibrate converting kinetic energy to sound energy

4. Nuclear Energy - Marcus

4.1. Nuclear energy is safer than what people think and has had 0 leaks or injured personnel since 1970

4.2. The energy is made by splitting an atom and that produces steam. the steam is then used to spin a turbine which creates the energy

4.3. The fuel is made of Uranium-235

4.4. All of the used fuel ever produced by the commercial nuclear industry since the late 1950s would cover a football field to a depth of less than 10 yards. That might seem like a lot, but coal plants generate that same amount of waste every hour.

4.5. It produces 0 air pollutants just like the other sustainable energy sources but also produces as much energy as all of them combined

4.6. Nuclear power may have prevented 1.8 million air pollution-related deaths and could prevent up to 7 million more

5. radient energy - Beth

5.1. Radiant energy is energy waves radiated from the sun

5.2. The energy waves (radiant energy) are called electromagnetic waves

5.3. You can find radiant energy in microwaves.

5.4. The waves are created by electromagnetic and gravitational radiation

5.5. It only takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds to get from the sun - earth.

6. Gravitational Energy - Hunter

6.1. The potential energy of a physical object with mass in relation to a larger gravitational object.

6.2. Anything with mass has a gravitational pull.

6.3. It is the energy stored in an object due to its height above a larger object.

6.4. Gravitational energy allows bigger physical objects (e.g. planets) to pull objects less in mass towards them.

6.5. The Earth pulls humans and worldly objects to the ground and stops them from entering the atmosphere

7. Kinetic, Magnetism energy, Jasper

7.1. Kinetic, magnetism energy is used for movement of 2 or more magnets. to start the magnetism process you need to use your kinetic energy to push force into a magnet. the magnet then spins around the other magnets making the magnet move infinitely relying on other magnets.

8. Electromagnetic Energy - Tara C

8.1. Electromagnetic magnetic waves are waves made of electric and magnetic fields.

8.2. Each of these waves travels through a vacuum to deliver electromagnetic radiation energy.

8.3. A common example of this type of electricity is light.

8.4. Any type of energy that uses magnetic or electric waves to deliver energy is classified as electromagnetic energy such as microwaves or X-rays.

8.5. The less wavelength meters that a form of electromagnetic energy has, the more potentially harmful it is.

8.6. Electromagnetic energy happens when an atom absorbs energy and then the electrons move in the atom, and the waves are caused when the electrons move back, which then creates a charged atom.

9. Potential Energy- Erin

9.1. Potential energy is energy that has been stored up in and object or thing due to its position or state.

9.2. An example of this would be if you picked up a ball of the ground and dropped it.

9.3. The potential energy would have been gaining as you raised the ball higher up off the ground. The energy when you drop it would be called kinetic energy.

10. Thermal Energy- Patrick

10.1. What is Thermal Energy: Thermal Energy is Energy contained within a system that is responsible for its temperature

11. Elastic Energy - Toby

11.1. Elastic energy is the mechanical potential energy stored in the configuration of a material or physical system as it is subjected to elastic deformation by work performed upon it.

11.2. Elastic potential energy is energy stored as a result of applying a force to deform an elastic object. The energy is stored until the force is removed and the object springs back to its original shape, doing work in the process. The deformation could involve compressing, stretching or twisting the object.

11.3. A pen that you click to use, clothes that stretch. Anything that is pushed out of its original shape and wants to return back to its original shape has elastic potential energy.

11.4. The more an object can stretch. The more Elastic Potential Energy it has.