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Leadership by Mind Map: Leadership

1. Objectives

1.1. Leadership & Management

1.2. Leadership Skills

1.3. Leadership styles

1.4. Situational Leadership

1.5. Motivation

2. Exercise 1

2.1. Stand by your quote

3. Definitions

3.1. Leadership

3.2. Management

4. Classification

4.1. Transactional

4.2. Transformational

5. Situational Leadership

5.1. Definition

5.2. Styles

5.2.1. S1 Directing

5.2.2. S2 Coaching

5.2.3. S3 Supporting

5.2.4. S4 Delegating

6. Characteristics

7. Motivation

7.1. Definition

7.2. Types

7.2.1. Intrinsic

7.2.2. Extrinisc Reward Punishment

7.3. Why, When & How?

8. References

8.1. The Leadership of Muhammad

8.2. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

9. Theories

9.1. Old

9.1.1. Leaders are Born & Can NOT be made

9.2. New

9.2.1. Leaders Can be made

10. Types

10.1. Autocratic

10.2. Paternalistic

10.3. Democratic

10.4. Delegative