Prime Minister (David Cameron) The PM chooses who he wants as head of the departments based on ...

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Prime Minister (David Cameron) The PM chooses who he wants as head of the departments based on their experience. por Mind Map: Prime Minister  (David Cameron)  The PM chooses who he wants as head of the departments based on their experience.

1. Secretary of State for Health (Andrew Lansley) Andrew Lansley is responsible for NHS whcih is the biggest service department which spends over £105 billion that payers for 2 million employees to work

1.1. Under Secretary of State for Health (Simon Burns MP) Simon Burns is planning to improve quality and standards, people get choice over who is their GP and their is now competition between hospitals and private surgerys.

1.1.1. NHS The NHS budgets over £105 billion a year that pays for 2 million employees. Health Authority NHS the NHS Health Authority focuses mainly on drug addictions and other major problems such as addiction. Health Care Commision The Health Care Commission inspects NHS facilities and staff, it also investigates complaints.

2. Ministry of Justice (Ken Clarke MP) Ken Clarke is in charge of the courts, the prisons and probations. The Ministry of Justice spent £9.46 billion on Public Services in 2010-2011.

2.1. Under Secretary of State fot Justice (Crispin Blunt MP) Crispin Blunt is in charge of lower level courts such as shop lifting.

2.1.1. HM Prison Service There are 137 prisons in the UK that hold over 280,000 prisoners. HM Inspector of Prisons These inspect prisons to prevent bullying, drug dealing, inhumane punishments and remote rehabilitaion.

2.1.2. National Probation Service Probation is something that prisoners go on for good behaviour, it is carried out by probation officers that work with ex offenders. HM Inspectors of Probation These inspect probation officers and youth offenders and they protect the public.