Personal Learning Network
by Laura Williams

1. Formal Education
1.1. Master of Education
1.1.1. UF College of Education Online
1.1.2. Mentor Teacher- Annie Harris
1.1.3. Adviser - Dr. Shelley Warm
1.1.4. Cohort
1.1.5. Professors
1.1.6. Team Teachers/Resource Teachers
1.2. Educational Specialist
1.2.1. UF College of Education Online
1.2.2. Professors
1.2.3. Peers
2. Photosharing
2.1. Flickr
2.2. Picasa
2.3. Bubbleshare
3. Social Bookmarking
3.2. Diigo
3.2.1. Groups EdTechTalk Classroom 2.0 Web 2.0
4. Blogging
4.1. Personal Blog
4.2. Classroom Blog
4.3. Google Reader
5. Wikis
5.1. Teach Web 2.0
5.2. Classroom Wiki
5.3. Twitter4Teachers
6. Microblogging
6.1. Twitter
6.1.1. Twellow
6.1.2. Twitter4Teachers
6.1.3. JustTweetIt
7. Social Networking
7.1. Facebook
7.2. Apple Learning Exchange
7.3. Ning
7.3.1. UF Educational Technology Network
8. iGoogle
8.1. Google Reader
8.1.1. Educational Technology Blogs
8.1.2. Family & Friends Blogs
8.1.3. Resource Blogs
8.1.4. Fun Blogs