Managerial game

Juego gerencial

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Managerial game by Mind Map: Managerial game

1. swot analysis

1.1. strengths and weaknesses

1.2. opportunities and threats

1.3. resource allocation decisions

1.4. economic, political, social and technological environment

1.5. cooperative position, competencies

2. corporative strategy

2.1. strategic plan of comprehensive administrative action

3. strategic management

3.1. types of strategies

3.1.1. business unit strategy proactive actions, planned to defeat rivals actions to respond and react to changing conditions start geographic coverage collaborative actions and strategic alliances

4. organizational strategic management

4.1. process that allows to establish the strengths and weaknesses of an organization

4.1.1. Steps preparation analysis

5. strategy in practice

5.1. description of a problem

5.1.1. generar evaluar y descriminar entre las estrategias perspective on strategy in practice

5.2. formulation of a problem

5.2.1. development of directives

6. unit one

6.1. strategic analysis

6.1.1. surrounding analysis internal analisis SWOT diagnosis

6.1.2. each company must carry out its own double perspective structural analysis

7. unit three

8. fundamentals of business strategy

8.1. there are four stages

8.1.1. Stage one: financial planning

8.1.2. Stage two: long-term planning

8.1.3. Stage three: strategic planning

8.1.4. Stage four: strategic thinking

9. interrelationships between types of strategies

9.1. relating the different parts of the corporate strategy and the business unit is an activity that establishes the other strategies

10. marketing plan

10.1. main tool that unites the actions to be carried out in a company to achieve a position in the market

10.1.1. learning objective identify the importance of the marketing plan

10.2. components in marketing plan

10.2.1. summary action programs budgets

11. evaluation of financial indicators

11.1. gross margin

11.1.1. net margin operating margin asset profitability

12. successful sales management

12.1. profile of a sales manage

12.1.1. main tasks of a successful manager

13. Basic marketing factors

13.1. major market processes

13.1.1. marketing functions main market factors

14. market principles

14.1. process of planning to execute the price and promotion

15. unit two