Session 2: Make it Stick

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Session 2: Make it Stick by Mind Map: Session 2: Make it Stick

1. Chapter 1: Learning is misunderstood

1.1. Can learning be something that can be explained from different perspectives? Does Brown think society cannot explain or comprehend what is learning? If not, then why?

2. Chapter 2: To Learn, Retrieve

2.1. How to integrate retrieval practice into the learning process?

3. Chapter 3: Mix up your practice

3.1. If learning occurs through making errors but grades are often given based on errorless performance, what are grades measuring?

4. Chapter 4: Embrace Difficulties

4.1. How do we define an appropriate degree of difficulties that could avoid either superficial learning or students being overwhelmed?

4.2. Based on my experience, I am curious to know how much college students retain once they graduate. What cues enable them to retrieve knowledge, and where are such cues founds? I think this especially for those who pursue a major that is not traditionally “job-centered” such as in the humanities (Greek, Philosophy, etc.)?

5. Chapter 5: Avoid Illusions of Knowing

5.1. How strong is the evidence for the curse of knowledge and is it universal across all fields?

5.2. Do connection, elaboration, and retrieval have the same meaning when our brains learn/ unlearn material?

6. Chapter 6: Get Beyond Learning Styles

6.1. If there isn’t evidence that learning styles exist, why is it so pervasive?

6.2. What are some cultural factors that prevent a student from embracing informed research studies?

7. Chapter 7: Increase your Abilities

7.1. Does the marshmallow study show that self-discipline is independent of genes?

7.2. Why is the Flynn Effect reversing?

7.3. I wonder how does attention affect one’s learning, or if one has ADHD, how might this enable/ prove difficult to embrace such methods.

7.4. How might these ideas intersect or influence my habits, goals, relationships, roadmaps? Am I prepared to incorporate these methods and practices into my study/career pursuits?

7.5. Why is the American education system praising only knowledge but not creativity; do you think American education doesn’t want to know the meaning of why a person came up with an idea(s)? (Brown, 2014, p. 297)

8. Chapter 8: Make it Stick

8.1. How do we foster a learning environment? How might we shift conceptions of effective learning?

8.2. How do systemic inequities influence a person’s ability to learn?

8.3. How as future learning designers be able to interrupt the process of forgetting for our future clients/audience?