Modern history foreigners entry (1)

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Modern history foreigners entry (1) by Mind Map: Modern history foreigners entry (1)

1. Portuguese,portugal's

1.1. Fight

1.1.1. Entered india in 1498

1.2. Vasco da gama

1.2.1. In 17may 1498 they reached india by calicut(in kerala) 1502 Vasco da gama visited india again(2times india aaya tha

1.3. In 1501 Cochin trading capital in india

1.3.1. 1505 franchise de almedia 1509 Alfonso de albuerque In 1510 he captured goa

1.4. 16th century their powers start declining

1.4.1. 1631mughals 1622 british 1739 marathas

2. Britishers or england

2.1. John mildenhall,English merchant(businessman)

2.1.1. Eic ko english merchant group na bnaya ha

2.2. Factories

2.2.1. Surat ahmedabad goa in 1613

2.2.2. Masulipatnam in 1611

2.2.3. Armagaon in 1626

2.2.4. Company aquired bombay

2.2.5. Factory in 1633

2.2.6. Sultan of Golconda (Telangana) gave them a farman to trade in its territory in 1632 with a certain rent

3. Queen Elizabeth1 gave charter to company 1600

3.1. In 1608 company decided to open factory-surat and captain Hawkins was sent away to jahangir court for permission on trade

3.1.1. 1615 thomas roe 1619 thomas roe jab wapas chala jata hai