It is hard to develop new document templates
by ronald valverde
1. Understanding the Imp Guides is not easy
1.1. The information is not always clear
1.2. The information is not always complete
2. Generation of the XML is a segment-by-segment manual process
2.1. Time consuming, We have to add/remove segments from an already defined template (i.e. TRU856) to match the information provided in the impguide
2.1.1. The process depends on Base templates
2.2. Complexity, Sometimes the loop structure of the base template should be reformulated to match the imp guide
2.3. Repetitive work, everytime we define a skeleton true loop it should be verified that the skeleton false contains the same structure
2.4. Once the XML structure is done it is necessary to set the attributes to each segment according the imp guide.
3. The learning curve is high
3.1. Scripting skills are required (js, xsl)
3.2. XPath knowledge is required
4. Too much setup just to generate a preview
5. Personnel is working in an old and complex tool
5.1. Nuevo nodo