How To Teach English for Children's, based on the stage of development.

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How To Teach English for Children's, based on the stage of development. by Mind Map: How To Teach English for Children's, based on the stage of development.

1. Baby

1.1. 1. Simple Songs in Eglish for kids, like Alphabeth Songs.

1.2. 2. playtime or sensory play. like colors and basic shapes in English.

1.3. 3. Memory games

1.4. 4. English Story and English Video with Audio or Audio Visual.

2. Toddler

2.1. 1. Understand their limitations and abilities.

2.2. 2. Play, Play, Play.

2.3. 3. Short Activities.

2.4. 4. uSe Glove Puppet for media.

2.5. 5. Only Teach a few words each lessons.

2.6. 6. Sings lots of songs.

2.7. 7. Use lots of Visuals.

2.8. 8. Play lots of games.

2.9. 9. Praise all the time. like "good job!!" "Well done!"

3. Pre-Schooler

3.1. 1. Change Up activities every five to ten minutes.

3.2. 2. teach a small amount of language in any given session.

3.3. 3. Engange students on multiple levels (Activities)

3.4. 4. Very Excitable games.

3.5. 5. Avoid competition games.

3.6. 6. Bring in real objects whenever possible.

3.7. 7. Thematic Learning.

3.8. 8. Repeat, Review, Revise.

4. Almira Mutiarahma Gunawan 1804145 3A PGSD