Causes of World War 1

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Causes of World War 1 by Mind Map: Causes of World War 1

1. Terrorism

1.1. The Black Hand

1.1.1. Extremists from Serbia

1.1.2. Gavrillo Princip killed Archduke Ferdinand

2. Assassination

2.1. Archduke Ferdinand

2.1.1. Tension between Austria Hungary and Serbia.

3. Alliances

3.1. Allied Powers

3.1.1. Britain, America, Serbia, Italy, Russia

3.2. Central Powers

3.2.1. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

3.3. Rivalries between countries

4. Nationalism

4.1. Austria-Hungry annex Bosnia

4.2. Serbia wants to free Bosnia

5. Ultimatum

5.1. Serbia disagree to ultimatum from Austria-Hungary

6. Imperialism

6.1. Competition for raw materials

6.2. Used colonies to acquire materials

7. Militarism

7.1. Countries afraid of each other

7.2. Want to assert dominance

8. Domino Effect

8.1. Nations declared war to defend allies

8.2. Countries involved colonies